Chakra Crystals
Posted by PEACE LOVE CRYSTALS™ on 13th Nov 2019
Each chakra is associated with specific crystals. Here’s a list to help you choose your healing crystal depending on the Chakra you want to focus on.
CROWN CHAKRA Selenite - Clear Quartz - Apophyllite - Optical Calcite - Magnesite - White Howlite - Iolite - Amethyst - Labradorite |
THIRD EYE CHAKRA Amethyst - Purple Fluorite - Black Obsidian - Charolite - Apophyllite - Lapis Lazuli - Iolite - Blue Kyanite - Blue Apatite – Labradorite - Sodalite |
THROAT CHAKRA Lapis Lazuli - Turquoise - Aquamarine - Sodalite - Amazonite - Blue Calcite - Blue Lace Agate - Blue Sapphire - Blue Tigers Eye |
HEART CHAKRA Rose Quartz - Jade - Green Calcite - Emerald - Epidote - Prehnite - Malachite - Green Moss Agate - Rhodochrosite – Rhodonite - Kunzite - Chrysocolla - Green Aventurine - Peritot - Pink Tourmaline |
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Citrine - Amber - Calcite - Gold Tigers Eye - Yellow Jasper – Malachite |
SACRAL CHAKRA Orange Calcite - Carnelian - Peach Moonstone - Sunstone - Citrine |
ROOT CHAKRA Bloodstone - Garnet - Hematite - Red Jasper - Black Obsidian - Black Onyx - Rutilated Quartz - Smoky Quartz - Black Tourmaline - Tigers Eye - Fire Agate - Red Aventurine - Citrine - Smoky Quartz - Carnelian - Brecciated Jasper – Pyrite |