PEACE LOVE CRYSTALS has a beautiful selection of natural Turritella Agate Tumbled Stones. Each Turritella Agate Tumbled Stone is unique with the size ranging between 25mm - 35mm. Our Turritella Agate photo is a sample of the quality we offer, outlining their odd shapes, natural variations and imperfections. Please take note of the size described above as images are close-ups so you can see the quality we offer. You will receive one tumbled stone, if you want more simply increase the number required.
Tiny fossilised sea creatures are suspended within this protective stone, which is especially good for protection against spells. Turritella Agate can help increase accomplishments in business, impart excellence to one's environment and encourage openness to change and new ideas.
Inner Stability – Self-confidence - Grounding - Protection
Turritella Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. They are easy to recognize because they contain Turritella fossil shells within the Agate.
Green River Formation of Wyoming
Healthy Self-esteem
Strong Willpower
Physical Health and Energy
Ability to Manifest
Centering and Grounding
If you have any questions or require more information please do not hesitate to contact us, click here.